So I had heard of wet sanding with water. You wet a cloth or paper towel and run it down the edges of your piece while the paint is still soft. But have you ever heard of wet sanding with Hemp Oil? It is a completely different process and I couldn’t wait to try it!
But I quickly learned that painting with Milk paint is completely different from the Mineral Paint, so is the sanding. I was absolutely amazed by the results. Below are the steps for wet sanding Milk Paint with Fusion Hemp Oil.
. 1. After painting, brush a liberal amount of hemp oil on to the surface of your piece, I used a chip brush.

2. I used 120 grit sandpaper and sanded all over the surface. You don’t need to use a lot of pressure. The milk paint will chip and come off where it wants to for the most part. It’s very organic looking and I think it will amaze you too!

3.After sanding just take a soft lent free cloth and wipe the excess hemp oil off. This may cause a little more chippiness too.

PRO Tip: You can also take the Hemp Oil and rub it into natural wood. I did this on this wood top and I think it turned out gorgeous. It really brings out the wood grain. What do you think?

And here she is all finished and you can see how the chippiness just looks so natural. And of course, the sanding causes the surface to feel so smooth. It’s just a beautiful finish.

Please drop a line below and tell me if you have used Hemp Oil and what you think. And if you haven’t painted with Fusion Milk Paint check out my previous blog for tips.
Also, I wanted to give you all a little update on the house fire we had this past weekend. We are all safe and sound but we are going to be displaced for about 3 months, hopefully not longer. But we are very thankful that it was not worse than it was. If you haven’t seen the pics you can check them out here https://www.facebook/nottooshabby1961. And I also want to thank all of those that reached out to us and checked on us and offered help. We love you all and are so thankful for you too!