Hello Guys!
So glad to have you all here! We are so excited to have this website up and running. We love being able to provide services and products that will help or improve your life. And I’m really excited about writing a blog! I’ve never done this before so it will be an adventure for all of us. I’m going to release a blog every Thursday, so be on the look out!

I love all of the products we provide. The Jolie Paint and brushes are some of the best out there for your painted furniture project. And the Iron Orchid Design products are amazing! These ladies have the most creative ideas EVER! And if you haven’t tried the SALTWASH you don’t know what you’re missing. Fantastic for adding texture to your painted furniture or canvas.
We also have our vintage items that we are adding daily. We search all over the SouthEast for these specially curated items for your Shabby Chic home! We will also have a listing of our painted furniture coming soon.

We will talk more about products and how to use them in the future. We will even have tutorials! But for now, we just want to thank you so much for being here. And we hope we will see you on our Sunday Night Live at 7:00pm CST on FaceBook. Please follow us on FaceBook and Instagram and register on our website so you don't miss any of our announcements, tutorials and of course our giveaways.
Talk to ya’ll soon!